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small bravery

i know i know, its been awhile since i’ve come across my own little space on the internet (tisk tisk). I’m learning the important of consistency these days. Anyway, life has been teaching me some very interesting lessons lately: understanding, love, grace, forgiveness, trust to name a few. As most of you know, I’m not one to always embrace change as it should be. I get anxious, uncomfortable, nervous, and concerned about the unknown ahead. I have feeling most, if not all, humans have some similarity to my response to “something new”. i am learning to appreciate what has been given to me, whether for years or for a season, and to hold onto the goodness of that instead of dwelling in the feelings of “losing something”. Yes its hard, and tiresome to stay positive when change is in the wind, but its vital to look change in the face and say “welcome friend”. 


i’m still embarking on the She Is Challenge 2013 (check earlier blog posts on what that adventure looks like). A friend of mine recently reminded me “its the small things that make up the big things”. He’s right. It’s the little things, or the little ways I grow, respond, and exhibit bravery every day. Or event the little ways friends, strangers, words, music, and thoughts can change my entire perspective on something. Friends, don’t disregard these little blessings. Look for them, and hold them close. It can possible be a life line for you down the road. Have grace towards yourself when it just doesn’t feel right, or something is missing, or whatever. Something better is to come and while  you wait, go forward with small bravery. 



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