Inspired · Uncategorized


hello folks! As you can see, its been a bit lonely here lately, solely due to the fact that I’m currently working three jobs in this new year. Never did I think that I would be hustling quite this much in 2014.  But here I am, and as I’ve been gently reminded just recently, its important that I grow where I’m planted. What a simple concept to my seemingly complicated life. I still feel as though I’m pushing through a dark season in life- learning that the struggle is real.

The beauty of living in southern Cali is that everyday is doused with sunshine. Yes, technically we are in drought at the moment, and conserving water is on a the list of daily reminders, but sitting at my favourite french cafe today with the fam bam was exactly the way I needed to spend this holiday. It was the savory taste of a fruit tart and the sound of children laughing that brought a smile to my face. To live fully in the here and now, thats life. Actually, life is having a thankfulness at the center of every thought and action.

I thought about what I wanted this year to entail and several words came to mind: bravery, fierce, courage, endurance, beauty, stillness. But the one word that shall define this year is this: RENAME. I am reading “1000 Gifts” and the inspiration was given from this excerpt

“He means to rename us- to return us to our true names, our truest selves. He means to heal our soul holes…that has always been and always is, to this day, His secret purpose”. – Ann Voskamp 

This year i hope to find myself venturing into deeper discovery of me. Of those around me. My community. My passions. And the world.


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