
berlin //

im sitting in a local coffeeshop in long beach, california on a sunny, partly windy afternoon. ive been partial to this spot for its appreciation of succulents and good architecture, and store front wooden paneled windows. its actually a lovely day here in the city, lately its been unbearable with humidity and thunderstorms so to have it be cool and dry is refreshing.

it rained over the weekend, which im surprisingly happy about. rain means blessing. it means new beginnings and a new harvest. its very symbolic of where i find myself in life. im officially living on my own and it will be a great step in the right direction.

something ive been challenged with the last few days is how i use my words. and how i respond using them. words are powerful as we know. and i want to be life giving with mine. i see how i mess up at this with my mister. he shows an immeasurable amount of grace when i react and im not wise. and he gently tells me when its hurtful or when i could have been more mindful. he’s a true gift. i know its a work in progress and i will stand up and fall all the time. but i desire to be purposeful with what i say. and what i do.

just some food for thought.


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